The association
An overview
Publishing Publications

* Editors : Media and Information Technology Group

* Editions : 52 editions a year, plus special issues

* Language : English

* Origin : Morocco

Description : More than 20 years old, Morocco Today is the first Moroccan newspaper written in English language in Morocco. This publication presents news and information about Morocco in particular, with a section on Africa and the Arab World. It is an independent publication with articles and features dealing with all aspects of life in Morocco. Morocco Today believes in the freedom of speech and the spread of true information and permits to many Moroccans abroad to enjoy between its content the atmosphere of their country and help them to inter act through Morocco Forum 2000 with all other Moroccans in the world.
Our newspaper does not abide to any political theory, our main goal is to inform our readers and to promote our country, Morocco, in the world. We are just free journalists who write what we think can be of use to others, whether to visitors of Morocco, investors, businessmen or scholars, researchers and students. As you can see from the content of our newspaper, Morocco Today, our action and philosophy emanate from our love for our country. Our aspirations is to make our country known to the whole world, as well as its beauty, history and heritage.